November/December 2023 Newsletter

Please see our recent newsletter to learn about upcoming events, how to work your hives in July and August, understanding queen colors, and how the SLO county 4-H received a grant for a beekeeping project.

September/October Newsletter

Please see our recent newsletter to learn about upcoming events, how to work your hives in September and October as well as information about combating the Varroa mite.

January 2024 Spring Kick-off

Bee Alliance meeting on Thursday, Jan 18th at Santa Margarita Community Hall.

Bee Crafts Day and End-of-Season potluck

Member’s Event

Saturday, Nov 18,  1-4 PM 
Lena Thompson’s Barn
7450 Vernalis Rd, Atascadero.
The barn is on a dead-end along the Salinas River, south of Cubaril Avenue.  Off Garbarda Rd, off Tampico Rd.
Note new location this year !!

This is an Alliance members event. We will collect new and renewed memberships in the Central Coast Beekeepers Alliance for the coming year, 2024 ($20 /year) at the craft day.
°°° Please wear work clothes, you will spill melted beeswax.°°°
We will have six activity stations for participating in our craft demonstrations. Including beeswax ornaments, dip taper candles, lip balm, balloon votives, honey straws and more.
Kathy Longacre is organizing the potluck this year,   she remarks:
Bring a folding chair so we can sit together.
A thru G  main dish, H thru O salad or side dish and P thru Z  desserts.  If you have a favorite dish you really want to share bring it no matter what letter your last name starts with. 
Remember to bring a serving spoon for your dish.
I will bring paper plates,  napkins and plastic ware (but feel free to bring your own reusable) and some lemonade plus cups. 
We will need some folding tables for crafts and the feast.

Meetings in October

Paso Golden Oak Honey and Pumpkin FestivalSaturday, October 21 at Paso Robles Downtown City Park10 to 5 PM
Great opportunity to share your passion for honeybees with an interested public and help staff our club booth.  
“Cooking with Honey”
Monthly CCBA Club meetingThursday, Oct. 12,  6:30 PM Santa Margarita Community Hall
9610 Murphy Ave (cross of “I” St, next to the library)
Everyone invited to the Thursday meeting.

Favorite honey recipe you wish to share?  Bring a recipe copy we compile into our club recipe book.

September meeting Thursday Sept. 21 5:30pm

Kathy Longacre’s apiary (Edna Valley)

6440 Corral de Piedra Road (off Price Canyon)

We will inspect Kathy’s beeyard and consider Autumn management and feeding strategies. We don’t anticipate opening the hives at this time due to autumn defensiveness and predation.

The Paso Robles Golden Oak Honey and Pumpkin Festival is coming up. Planning and recruitment to make the annual event a success will also be discussed.

All about Varroa — August. 10th Meeting

Thursday,  August 10th 
Santa Margarita Community Hal
9610 Murphy Ave (cross of “I” St, next to the library)
Everyone invited to the Thursday meeting.
Social mixer begins at 6 PM
Mike Lindsey will present  Varroa Mite Strategy and Management
Varroa Mites are the most severe issue facing Central Coast Bees.   Learn strategies and managements practiced by veteran beekeeper Mike Lindsey to respond to the threat posed by Varroa. 

Do YOUR homework:   download and read the Honeybee Health Coalition guide to Varroa management,

July/August Newsletter

Please see our recent newsletter to learn about upcoming events, how to work your hives in July and August, and how to deal with ants.

July 13th CCBA Meeting

“Beekeeping in the Summer Transitions”
Santa Margarita Community Hall
9610 Murphy Ave (Cross of I St, next to the library)
Social Mixer begins at 6 PM

May June Newsletter

Click here for the May/June Newsletter